EPGD Law Wedding Contract
Eric Gros-Dubois

Can You Cancel Your Wedding During COVID-19?

The Wedding Industry is a 70+ billion-dollar industry. In light of COVID-19, the hospitality industry is suffering and facing uncertainty. Venues, vendors, and hotels are struggling to carry on or cancel the events. Meanwhile, engaged couples are unsure if their families will be able to travel safely or if there might be a way to host their events safely despite the circumstances.

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EPGD Law Franchise
Franchise Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

What is the Franchise Disclosure Document?

The Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) is a legal disclosure document which is provided to franchisee applicants interested in purchasing a franchise. The document is required by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and contains important information about the franchisor and the franchise system of which potential buyers should be aware prior to making the financial investment. It is intended to help prospective franchisees assess the potential risks and benefits involved in the relevant franchise.

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EPGD Law Civil Litigation
Civil Litigation
Eric Gros-Dubois

What is the difference between negligence and gross negligence?

When determining if someone has been negligent, it is important to distinguish between negligence and gross negligence. Certainly, they are similar, but are different in the degree of carelessness. A Florida Business Law attorney can help you spot the difference in your particular case.

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EPGD Usury Laws
Business Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

Usury Laws: Maryland vs. Florida

Creditors often times procure loan agreements with outrageous amounts of interest so that they can ultimately take advantage of those individuals who are in need of funds. More often than not, the individual becomes indebted to the creditor for far more than the amount they agreed upon initially. These high interest rates are known as usury and are both a civil and criminal offense.

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EPGD Law Medicaid
Estate Planning
Eric Gros-Dubois

Basic Medicaid Eligibility in Florida

In order to be eligible for Medicaid in Florida, the applicant must meet the basic eligibility requirements, the medical requirements, the asset requirements as well as income requirements.

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EPGD Law Homestead Property
EPGD Business Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

How to Foreclose on Homestead and Non-Homestead Properties?

In Florida, the homestead exemption does not have a property value limit. Having a homestead in Florida conveys numerous tax benefits on their owners. Therefore, many move to Florida from other states in order to receive those tax benefits as well as to protect their homestead property from forced sales.

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EPGD Law Foreign Reporting
Real Estate Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

What to Know if you Want to Invest in U.S. Real Estate as a Foreigner?

The simple answer is yes. Anyone can buy property in the United States. However, foreigners are best suited to buy U.S. property with one-time payment instead of financing it. This is because if a foreigner wants to get a U.S. mortgage or a loan – it is often nearly impossible to get approved due to the lack of U.S. credit history.

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Business Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

How Does Asset Protection Work in an LLC?

A limited liability company offers limited liability asset protection. This type of asset protection means that the liability is limited to whatever assets the owner has invested in the LLC, essentially, only all business assets. These business assets can include, but are not limited to, initial, investment, or retained earnings.

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EPGD Law Employment Law
Employment Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

What can I do if my employee is not taking sufficient efforts to be re-tested after having Coronavirus?

Five months into the Coronavirus pandemic, it is unfortunately common for one of your employees to test positive for the virus. What do you do? You give them time to recover at home, ensure that they sufficiently isolate themselves, and then request 2 negative test results in accordance with CDC guidelines. Eventually, it will be time for your employee to return to the office—but what do you do if they refuse to be tested?

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EPGD Law Entertainment Law
Entertainment Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

Why is Lady Antebellum Suing Lady A?

Country group, Lady A, formerly known as Lady Antebellum, has filed suit against Seattle blues singer Anita White, also known as Lady A. The feud started when Lady Antebellum decided to change their stage name to Lady A, because of the term Antebellum and its ties to slavery periods.

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