EPGD Law Franchise Law
Franchise Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

Enforcement of Arbitration Clauses in Franchise Agreements

Arbitration is a proceeding that takes place outside of the court room. It essentially allows both the franchisor and franchisee the ability to take their legal disputes to an arbitrator who will, after hearing all the facts and evidence presented by both sides, come to a decision that is binding and enforceable by the courts.

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EPGD Law Civil Litigation
Civil Litigation
Eric Gros-Dubois

Unilateral Attorney’s Fees in Florida

In most contracts, there is a provision for attorney’s fees, sometimes called a prevailing party clause. This provision states that if legal action must be taken to enforce the contract, the prevailing party will get its attorney’s fees and costs paid by the losing party. Under Florida law, attorney’s fees are contractual or statutory, meaning that this provision must be included in contracts or statutes to be enforced. Because of this, it is important to include an attorney’s fees clause in any contract in Florida.

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EPGD Law Civil Litigation
Civil Litigation
Eric Gros-Dubois

Increased Jurisdictional Amounts in Florida

On May 24, 2019, House Bill 337 was approved by Governor Ron DeSantis which would effectively amend Section 34.01 of the Florida Statutes, by increasing the jurisdictional amounts of our court actions.

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EPGD Law Tax Law
Tax Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

Corporate Change of Control with the IRS

A change in control is a change in the ownership structure of a company. Such change of ownership typically involves another entity or individual acquiring more than 50% of the company’s shares. When such a change in corporate structure occurs, the company must file an “Information Return for Acquisition of Control or Substantial Change in Capital Structure” Form 8806 with the Internal Revenue Service.

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