Can I Bring a Lawsuit Under the Lanham Act if I Don’t Have a Registered Trademark?
A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, and/or design that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one seller from those of others. It is essentially a brand name. It is not to be confused with a service mark, which is used to identify and distinguish the source of a service rather than goods.
Can I Handwrite my Will?
One of the conveniences of drafting a will is knowing that you can handwrite one yourself. With just one caveat, only about half the states recognize a handwritten as valid. A holographic will is a will that has been written by hand by the person that is establishing the will, known as a testator. A holographic will is different from a standard will because it is typically neither notarized nor signed by two witnesses and handwritten.
How Can my Spouse Inherit My Real Property if They Are Not on the Deed?
In Florida, it is not uncommon for spouses to hold title to property separately, especially if that property was acquired outside or prior to the marriage. However, it becomes particularly problematic when that spouse passes away, because many times the surviving spouse is not included on the title, which then requires a probate proceeding to transfer legal title to them.
Foreign Investing in Florida Real Estate
Foreign investing has seen a dramatic increase the last several years. Florida has been one of the more prominent locations where such foreign investing occurs, specifically in real estate. Miami, in particular, contains a lucrative real estate market where many investors from all over the world come to invest. It is imperative that these foreign investors are aware of the various implications when acquiring property with a particular holding structure and properly plan their investments.
COVID -19 Employer Aid & Tax Credits
The COVID-19 pandemic has been looming over businesses and employees for a majority of the year. Florida businesses have been greatly affected and unemployment numbers have increased substantially throughout the pandemic. Miami businesses, in particular, were greatly affected due to county wide quarantine shutdowns and curfews. Many of these businesses that have been severely impacted by the pandemic will qualify loans through the CARES Act and two new employer tax credits.
Does the Federal Trade Commission Impose Regulations on Credit Repair Companies?
Yes, as part of its broad authority to protect consumers, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) enforces the Credit Repair Organizations Act (CROA) which specifically relates to credit repair services. This act regulates the behavior of companies offering credit repair services to consumers.
Florida’s Eviction Moratorium has Expired. Now What?
In March, due to the coronavirus pandemic and the economic disadvantage it placed many Floridians, the Governor of Florida issued a moratorium on all mortgage foreclosure and eviction causes of action in the state. Although this executive order has now expired, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released a new order, “Temporary Halt in Residential Evictions to Prevent the Further Spread of COVID-19.”
Can You Deduct the Costs of Gifts from Your Business Income?
Certain gifts made during the course of the year can be deducted from your business’s taxable income. Of course, the IRS provides several limitations and exceptions, such as a $25 maximum per recipient and exclusion of gifts which are branded with the giver’s name or logo.
How Do I File for Divorce in Florida?
Every state has its own significant divorce laws and regulations. Florida is a no-fault state, meaning that there does not need to be a party at fault for the divorce. The spouse asking for a divorce simply needs to claim that the marriage is “irretrievably broken.” It is important to note, that when filing for divorce, Florida has its own residency requirements. The spouse filing for divorce has to have lived in the state for at least six months prior to initiating a divorce. However, there is one exception to this rule.
What is the Florida Consumer Collection Practices Act (FCCPA)?
The Florida Consumer Collection Practices Act (FCCPA) limits the method in which debt collectors and creditors interact with consumers when attempting to collect a debt. The act prohibits creditors and debt collectors from using abusive, unfair, or deceptive tactics when collecting debt from consumers. Additionally, it provides a right to bring litigation against wrongdoers and to recover damages and attorneys’ fees.
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