EPGD Law Business Law
Business Law
Oscar Gomez

Las Pequeñas Empresas Comerciales y de las Minorías en el Condado de Miami Dade (Parte 2)

No mucha gente lo sabe, pero es importante saber que una vez que un negocio o persona desfavoreada haya participado en el programa, ni el negocio ni esa persona volverán a ser elegibles.  El SBA rechazará automáticamente esas aplicaciones. Por lo tanto, una empresa puede participar sólo una vez.  No importa si la propiedad y el control han cambiado por completo; la empresa será rechazada si se aplica de nuevo.

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Business Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

Substantial Presence Test During COVID-19

During the coronavirus pandemic, many foreign nationals have been left unable to leave the United States and have, therefore, been involuntarily stranded in the country for longer than they anticipated. Does this extended presence in the United States carry with it any tax implications for these foreign nationals? 

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EPGD Law Accredited Investors
Tax Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

What are Accredited Investors and what is a Private Placement Memorandum?

The reason for such disclosures is to protect the company in the event things fall apart and the investors try to sue the company for securities fraud for example. Such disclosures will be used as the company’s defense. One of the best ways to provide such disclosures is through a document called a Private Placement Memorandum (aka PPM).

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EPGD Law Class Action
Business Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

Consumer Class Action Lawsuits

In a class action lawsuit, only one lawsuit is filed on behalf of an entire group of injured parties. Very often, for example, such lawsuits unite many individuals and go after a large company that has produced defective products that have causes injury or loss to every individual member of the class action lawsuit. The settlement that such a lawsuit results in is typically divided between all of the individual plaintiffs.

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EPGD Law Business Dispute
Business Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

Enforcement Against a Personal Guarantor (Part 1)

A personal guarantee is an individual or business entity that guarantees responsibility for another’s financial obligation, should they ever fail to repay their lender. Personal guarantee’s usually come in when securing a debt for a loan such as a car finance or mortgage, but the guarantor is not contractually liable for any part of the loan unless the debtor fails to make a payment.

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EPGD Law Business Dispute
Business Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

Enforcement Against a Personal Guarantor (Part 2)

If a personal guarantor does not respond to the lender’s demand, the lender has two options to choose from in order to collect the debt. First, the lender can file suit against the personal guarantor and second – he can petition a court for the personal guarantor’s bankruptcy. 

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Silvino Diaz

Covid-19 Disaster Assistance Update

The measurements taken to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in the US have caused an economic downturn that is dramatically affecting our country’s small businesses. While Congress was able to enact the CARES Act to provide emergency financial aid to those applied for one of its programs; unfortunately, it has now been reported that funding for these programs has been exhausted. 

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