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Business Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

What is a “B” Corporation?

A Benefit Corporation or a “B-Corp.” is a private enterprise that creates a public benefit by allowing businesses to be profitable while considering the welfare of society and the environment.   Benefit Corporations require businesses to make their practices transparent to the public.  Becoming a Benefit Corporation has certain requirements, but it is mostly a three-step process.

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EPGD Law Business Law
Business Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

Small Business and Minority Businesses in Miami Dade County (Part 1)

The federal government has a unique program that assists disadvantaged businesses by registering them for government contracts.  In other words, as a “small business” you have a higher probability of obtaining a government contract before a business that is not registered as a “small business.”  The U.S. Small Business Administration (“SBA”) defines a “small” business in terms of the average number of employees over the past 12 months or average annual receipts over the past three years.  The SBA defines a U.S. small business as a concern that:

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El Manual del Empresarios

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