EPGD Law Unemployment
Employment Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

When can my Unemployment Claim be Denied?

In Florida, to obtain reemployment assistance benefits, an individual must file a claim with the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity.  Once the claim is filed, the claim undergoes an adjudication process where the claim is reviewed for potential issues which may disqualify an individual from receiving reemployment benefits such as: reason for termination, individual’s availability, and individual’s ability to work.

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EPGD Law Business Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

Why Are Employment Contracts So Important?

An employment contract is an agreement between two parties – an employee and an employer, that involves terms and conditions of employment. Some employment contracts may be oral, whereas others are written and contain many descriptive provisions. Oral employment contracts are enforceable but could be much more difficult to prove in court.

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Employment Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

What Is HIPAA?

The HIPAA stands for The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This federal Act protects the privacy of patient information from third parties. Therefore, most healthcare providers such as healthcare insurance companies, hospitals, etc. can only disclose patient information in cases when the HIPAA allows the disclosure. Under the HIPAA, apart from disclosing the patient’s information for treatment purposes, only “the minimum necessary to accomplish the purpose of the disclosure” can be revealed.

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Eric Gros-Dubois

Rehiring Furloughed Employees Post-Covid-19

A furlough is a temporary, unpaid leave of absence, with an expectation that an employee will return to his or her job at a specific time. A furlough could also include reduced hours of work or work weeks. Ultimately, a furloughed employee remains an employee.

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Silvino Diaz

Employment Standards During Covid-19

The OSHA wants to ensure certain safety measures in a working environment, yet, also want to make certain that an employee is asserting an issue or concern in good faith. If your employer fails to implement proper guidelines or does not take reasonable steps to safeguard your well-being, then the law offers you, as an employee, the right to refuse to come into your workplace, until the imminent fear is no longer apparent.

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Silvino Diaz

Covid-19 Disaster Assistance Update

The measurements taken to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in the US have caused an economic downturn that is dramatically affecting our country’s small businesses. While Congress was able to enact the CARES Act to provide emergency financial aid to those applied for one of its programs; unfortunately, it has now been reported that funding for these programs has been exhausted. 

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EPGD Law Employment Law
Silvino Diaz

FLORIDA “REEMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE”: Simple Answers to Common Questions Regarding Unemployment Claims and Benefits

Navigating the complex process of applying for reemployment assistance in the wake of an unexpected layoff is never a simple task.  That difficult process is made even more complicated during a crisis that creates mass unemployment, such as the one which we are currently experiencing as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.  This guide is designed to answer some of the most commonly asked questions with regard to the Florida Reemployment Assistance program and to discuss changes in this area of law that have been made in light of the ongoing pandemic.

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EPGD Law Borrower's Representative
Eric Gros-Dubois

Who is a Borrower’s Representative?

Borrower’s Representative means an individual or an organization that is designated by the Borrower to act on behalf of the Borrower by a written certificate and complying with the requirements of the applicable state. The borrower’s representative always requires some written proof of authority before being able to act on behalf of the borrower.

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EPGD Law Business Law
Business Law
Silvino Diaz

How to Ensure you are Compliant with the PPP Loan

Over the past several weeks, thousands of businesses have applied for and (some) have received the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program loan. An attractive condition of this loan is the potential it to be forgiven. However, the SBA has continued to issue guidance on how to remain eligible for forgiveness, and there are strict protocols that businesses must follow.

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