EPGD Law Transactional
Eric Gros-Dubois

What is the Doctrine of Frustration in Contract Law?

Frustration of purpose is a doctrine in contract law that provides a defense to the enforcement of a contract. The doctrine of frustration is usually invoked when either party has been substantially inconvenienced by an unforeseeable event, whereby that inconvenience has caused the contract to become impossible to perform or has undermined the initial justification of entering into the contract in the first place.

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Business Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

What are the Liability Risks for Corporate Officers when Dissolving a FL Corporation?

If you are the director or a corporate officer of a corporation in the process of dissolution you might want to evaluate whether you will be personally held liable. If corporate formalities are not followed and the corporation proceeds with distributions to the shareholders before satisfying outstanding corporate debts, the directors might be held personally liable.

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Business Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

¿Qué es una “B” Corporación ?

Una Corporación de Beneficios o un “B-Corp.” es una empresa privada que crea un beneficio público al permitir que las empresas sean rentables mientras consideran el bienestar de la sociedad y el medio ambiente. Las corporaciones de beneficios exigen que las empresas hagan que sus prácticas sean transparentes para el público.  Convertirse en una Corporación de Beneficios tiene ciertos requisitos, pero es principalmente un proceso de tres pasos. 

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Business Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

What is a “B” Corporation?

A Benefit Corporation or a “B-Corp.” is a private enterprise that creates a public benefit by allowing businesses to be profitable while considering the welfare of society and the environment.   Benefit Corporations require businesses to make their practices transparent to the public.  Becoming a Benefit Corporation has certain requirements, but it is mostly a three-step process.

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