Estate Planning
Kathrine Karimi

Probate Assets vs. Non-Probate Assets

Probate is the process after a person passes or becomes disabled; their assets are put on hold until the will is validated, any remaining debt is paid off, and the beneficiaries of the will are identified.  Probate can be a long and stressful process, especially after such a difficult time.  Non-probate assets avoid this long, costly process and pass directly to a decedent’s heirs.

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Trusts & Estates
Eric Gros-Dubois

What is a Prenup?

A prenuptial agreement (or a prenup) is an agreement signed before marriage that outlines what happens to each spouse’s financial assets in the event of divorce or death. This protects each spouse’s personal assets that they have inherited from family members, assets they have obtained before marriage, or income they have generated before marriage.

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