Business Law
Oscar Gomez

How Do I Relocate My LLC to Another State?

The formal transfer of an LLC from one state to another is known as domestication. However, domestication is permitted only if both states allow for it. Domestication would be appropriate if you do no longer wish to conduct business in the original state of formation and would like to avoid dissolution and new company formation in the other jurisdiction. Many business owners choose to domesticate when they completely relocate to another state and wish to move their company with them.

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EPGD Business Law
Business Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

What are issues that might arise for a Florida Entrepreneur?

After a long thought process and extensive research, you have finally decided to put on your entrepreneurial hat and create your own side business. But in the scheme of all this excitement, you forgot to inquire about all the legal implications involved in creating a side business. In Florida, employees must often abide by several federal and state laws and regulations that can include restrictions about conflict of interests such as creating your own side business.

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EPGD Law Special Purpose Acquisition Company
Business Law
Oscar Gomez

What is a Special Purpose Acquisition Company?

A special purpose acquisition company “SPAC” is a publicly traded shell company that has been formed strictly for purposes of raising enough capital to purchase an existing company. Also referred to as a “blank-check company,” these development stage companies have no operations and purely rely on funding through an initial public offering “IPO”.

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EPGD Law Business Law
Business Law
Oscar Gomez

Las Pequeñas Empresas Comerciales y de las Minorías en el Condado de Miami Dade (Parte 2)

No mucha gente lo sabe, pero es importante saber que una vez que un negocio o persona desfavoreada haya participado en el programa, ni el negocio ni esa persona volverán a ser elegibles.  El SBA rechazará automáticamente esas aplicaciones. Por lo tanto, una empresa puede participar sólo una vez.  No importa si la propiedad y el control han cambiado por completo; la empresa será rechazada si se aplica de nuevo.

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Intellectual Property Law
Eric Gros-Dubois

Online Trade Dress Infringement

Trade dress infringement claims are no longer solely about whether a producer is infringing upon the other because of the packaging or design of a product. Now trade dress infringement also encompasses whether an online user is infringing upon another user’s YouTube channel or blog by copying the name or the content.

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El Manual del Empresarios

Esta es una guía rápida de referencia jurídica que cubre 16 temas que cada empresario necesita saber para empezar un negocio.