Saving money on taxes is a great incentive to consider leasing your assets to a corporation. It is common for shareholders of corporations to lease real estate, equipment, and other property, such as vehicles, to the corporation, either directly or indirectly.
Starting a new business can be scary with all of the legal issues that arise, the taxes one may incur, the fear of losing money invested, etc. To deal with these issues, it is best you consult an attorney to ensure all of your questions are answered and there are no hidden surprises.
“Lawyers may practice law in the form of professional service corporations, professional limited liability companies, sole proprietorships, general partnerships, or limited liability partnerships organized or qualified under applicable law.”
The general rule is that distributions from S-Corporations to shareholders should be proportional to each shareholder’s ownership interest.
Corporations lean on Delaware’s favorable business laws when it is time to incorporate their business. However, what happens when you want to dissolve your Delaware corporation?
The first Opportunity Zones were designated on April 9, 2018. To date, the Treasury Department has certified more than 8,700 Opportunity Zones spanning 50 states, the District of Columbia, and five U.S. territories qualifying for the aforementioned tax benefits.
Monitors are usually appointed to perform a specific set of duties, and often only have a single-purpose duty. Corporate monitors only supervise rather than manage. Specifically, the Department of Justice has stated that the scope of the monitor ship should be tailored to address the specific issues and concerns that created the need for a monitor.
Starting a new business in the US can be intimidating, especially for those that are not US residents. However, starting
Florida, among 48 states, has adopted its version of the Uniform Trade Secrets Act known as FUTSA. The purpose of the Act is to ultimately protect one’s intellectual property, ideas and certain types of confidential information.
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Our team of highly trained attorneys have over 100 years of combined higher education, are fluent in 8 languages, and use cutting edge technology to beat the competition.
This is a quick legal reference guide covering 16 topics that every business owner needs to have to start a business.
Esta es una guía rápida de referencia jurídica que cubre 16 temas que cada empresario necesita saber para empezar un negocio.