What happens to a Single Member LLC, once the member of the LLC dies?

An LLC can survive beyond the death of its owner. This is determined by the LLC’s operating agreement. When creating a one member LLC, you may need to insert a provision in your operating agreement insuring a smooth transfer of ownership to another person or organization after the member’s death.

In the case where there is no provision in the operating agreement, the death should be treated as a transfer of interests between the deceased member and that member’s rightful heir; it becomes an asset of your estate. However, this may cause tax and probate problems because the LLC may be divided among family members, dissolved, or sold to people you did not choose.

The member may give his ownership interest in the LLC to another person in his will. Unless the operating agreement has a provision that prohibits or conditions this, then the transfer is legitimate. Even if the LLC is not mentioned in the will, the next of kin will automatically inherit the deceased’s member ownership interest unless the operating agreement prohibits it. The operating agreement can also have a provision stating that the LLC dies with the single member.

Not sure if your operating agreement has the correct provisions to protect your company? Schedule a consultation today. We’re happy to help you. info@epgdlaw.com / (786) 837-6787

EPGD Business Law is located in beautiful Coral Gables. Call us at (786) 837-6787, or contact us through the website to schedule a consultation.

*Disclaimer: this blog post is not intended to be legal advice. We highly recommend speaking to an attorney if you have any legal concerns. Contacting us through our website does not establish an attorney-client relationship.*

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*The following comments are not intended to be treated as legal advice. The answer to your question is limited to the basic facts presented. Additional details may heavily alter our assessment and change the answer provided. For a more thorough review of your question please contact our office for a consultation.



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